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Beta launch of DVD-Create web site

(2002-08-11) Beta lunch of DVD-Creates web site, we simply had to have site to promote the project, store documents, give dev information etc. It's not perfect yet a bit rough in the edges but nothing that can't be smoothed during in the next month or so.

Rich Wareham joins the DVD-Create project - first design drafts

(2002-08-06) Rich Warenham from the libdvdnav project joins the team and has some really good ideas about DVD-Video creations that enlighten us all. The rest of the week is spent discussing design ideas. Rich writes a logical DVD-Video structure document. The Document will form the base for the XML structure that we are going to use for DVD-Video creation.

Dave Chapman joins the DVD-Create project

(2002-07-31) Dave Chapman joins the DVD-Create project, he will deal with the construction of a vobedit library that is responsible for inserting PCI and DSI packets in a standard MPEG-2 stream. I'm (Olaf Beck) now writing a libifoedit that will enable us to edit and create all the IFO files present in a DVD-Video structure.

DVD-Create approved as a SF Project

(2002-07-29) Finally we have a SF project for DVD-Create. Hopefully I will catch some developers attention and get some more help doing this project the right way. There is not much here, dvdbackup and some docs how to burn a DVD-Video under Linux.

Initial release of dvdbackup

(2002-07-29) First release of dvdbackup a program that enables you to mirror your DVD-Video to harddisk. The mirror can then be turned into a DVD-Video image with help of mkisofs. The image can be burned to a DVD-/+R(W) disk and played in your stand alone DVD-Video player. Dvdbackup is not just a backup program but can also give you information about the DVD, or e.g enable you to just backup the main feature of the DVD.

Patches for DVD-Video support included in latest alpha of mkisofs

(2002-07-22) After a lot of tuning and altering of patches mainly due to portability issues mkisofs finally have DVD-Video support as of cdrtools 1.11a27. You can now burn your own DVD-Video's under Linux/Unix and play them on a stand alone DVD-Video player. You will naturally need a Valid DVD-Video structure but the support is there.

First Patches for mkisofs ready

(2002-07-04) DVD-Creates releases it first patches enabling DVD-Video support in mkisofs. Patches are posted to the cdrecord mailing list.

DVD-Create project launch

(2002-06-13) DVD-Create project started by sending out a reward request to a couple of mailing lists. The project was to create a limited DVD editing framework and the reward was a DVD-Recorder and 100 blank DVD-R disks. However the slim response convinced me (Olaf Beck) that if I wanted this kind of software I had to do it my self.

My motivation for the project was to be able to:

  • Create a DVD-Video from my home videos created by a miniDV camcorder.
  • Make a backups of my favorite DVD's since future scratches may render them useless.
  • Create a DVD-Video from my networked TIVO unit - i.e. downloading a TIVO "MPEG" stream and turn it into a DVD-Video.

First preliminary goals is to be able to create a DVD-Video image that can be burned to a DVD-/+R(W) disk from an existing source. Mkisofs from the cdrtools already has support for UDF and sorting of DVD-Video files - hence a perfect candidate to work on.

:: e v e n t s
(August 12, 2002) Linux World San Franciso; Some of the members will attend the Linux World conference :). If there is interest of a mini meeting please mail the development mailing list.

$Id: news.shtml,v 1.2 2002/08/15 12:57:25 richwareham Exp $